Managing Relationships Between Restaurants and Food Delivery Platforms: Conflict, Contracts, and Coordination, with A. Frazelle and R. Swinney. 2023. Management Science 69(2) 812-823.
The Important Role of Time Limits when Consumers Choose Their Time in Service, with E. Segev. 2022. Management Science 68(9) 6666-6686.
3rd Place in the 2021 INFORMS Service Science Cluster Best Paper Award
2022 Rothblum Award for Excellent Work in Operations Research
Received BSF Grant 2021-2023
Welfare Implications of Congestion Pricing: Evidence from SFpark, with J. Li and H.-T. Tsai. 2022. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 24(2), 1091-1109.
2nd Place in the Public Sector Operations Research (PSOR) 2016 Best Paper Award Competition
Finalist in the 2016 Service Science Cluster Best Paper Award
Insincere Negotiation: Using the Negotiation Process to Pursue non-Agreement Motives, with K. Anand, P. Kang and M. Schweitzer. 2020. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 89: 103981
Becoming Strategic: Endogenous Consumer Time Preferences and Multiperiod Pricing, with A. Aflaki and R. Swinney. 2020. Operations Research 68(4), 1116-1131
Social Learning and the Design of ​New Experience Goods, with Y. Papanastasiou and E. Segev. 2019. Management Science 65(4), 1502-1519
Is Advance Selling Desirable with Competition?, with G. Cachon. 2017. Marketing Science 36(2), 195-213
Price Commitments with Strategic Consumers: Why it can be Optimal to Discount More Frequently... Than Optimal, with G. Cachon. 2015. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 17(3), 399-410​
Previous version titled: Dynamic vs Static Pricing in the Presence of Strategic Consumers
Service Systems with Slowdowns: Potential Failures and Proposed Solutions, with J. Dong and G. Yom-Tov. 2015. Operations Research 63(2), 305-324
Selected for presentation at the M&SOM Service SiG 2014 Conference, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Pricing Services Subject to Congestion: Charge Per-Use Fees or Sell Subscriptions, with G. Cachon. 2011. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 13(2), 244-260
Cost Estimation in a Finite Capacity Environment, with A. Shtub. 2006. International Journal of Production Research 44(2), 305-327
The Enigma of Ticket Exchanges (and Other Reselling Markets), with G. Cachon
Pricing Capacity Over Time and Recourse Strategies: Facilitate Reselling, Offer Refunds/Options, or Overbook?, with G. Cachon