Managing Relationships Between Restaurants and Food Delivery Platforms: Conflict, Contracts, and Coordination, with A. Frazelle and R. Swinney. 2023. Management Science 69(2) 812-823.
The Important Role of Time Limits when Consumers Choose Their Time in Service, with E. Segev. 2022. Management Science 68(9) 6666-6686.
3rd Place in the 2021 INFORMS Service Science Cluster Best Paper Award
2022 Rothblum Award for Excellent Work in Operations Research
Received BSF Grant 2021-2023
Welfare Implications of Congestion Pricing: Evidence from SFpark, with J. Li and H.-T. Tsai. 2022. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 24(2), 1091-1109.
2nd Place in the Public Sector Operations Research (PSOR) 2016 Best Paper Award Competition
Finalist in the 2016 Service Science Cluster Best Paper Award
Insincere Negotiation: Using the Negotiation Process to Pursue non-Agreement Motives, with K. Anand, P. Kang and M. Schweitzer. 2020. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 89: 103981
Becoming Strategic: Endogenous Consumer Time Preferences and Multiperiod Pricing, with A. Aflaki and R. Swinney. 2020. Operations Research 68(4), 1116-1131
Social Learning and the Design of New Experience Goods, with Y. Papanastasiou and E. Segev. 2019. Management Science 65(4), 1502-1519
Is Advance Selling Desirable with Competition?, with G. Cachon. 2017. Marketing Science 36(2), 195-213
Price Commitments with Strategic Consumers: Why it can be Optimal to Discount More Frequently... Than Optimal, with G. Cachon. 2015. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 17(3), 399-410
Previous version titled: Dynamic vs Static Pricing in the Presence of Strategic Consumers
Service Systems with Slowdowns: Potential Failures and Proposed Solutions, with J. Dong and G. Yom-Tov. 2015. Operations Research 63(2), 305-324
Selected for presentation at the M&SOM Service SiG 2014 Conference, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Pricing Services Subject to Congestion: Charge Per-Use Fees or Sell Subscriptions, with G. Cachon. 2011. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 13(2), 244-260
Cost Estimation in a Finite Capacity Environment, with A. Shtub. 2006. International Journal of Production Research 44(2), 305-327
The Enigma of Ticket Exchanges (and Other Reselling Markets), with G. Cachon
Green Incentives in Decentralized Consortia, with Y. Li and G. Tsoukalas
Pricing Capacity Over Time and Recourse Strategies: Facilitate Reselling, Offer Refunds/Options, or Overbook?, with G. Cachon